Docklight V2.0.5 Copyright 2013 Flachmann und Heggelbacher GbR ( Program Description: Docklight is a test, analysis and simulation tool for serial communication protocols (RS232, RS485/422 and others). It allows you to monitor the communication between two serial devices or to test the serial communication of a single device. Docklight is easy to use and runs on almost any standard PC using Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP operating system. Installation: - Run the "setup.exe" application. Distribution: - See the "fuh_distribute_int.txt" file Docklight / Docklight Scripting V2.0.5 (02/2013) New features and functions: - New script command "DL.SetHandshakeSignals rts As Boolean, dtr As Boolean", e.g. DL.SetHandshakeSignals true, false Fixes and Improvements: - Improved COM port enumeration for the Project Settings dialog. Fixed freeze / very slow enumeration on some recent systems, additional port descriptions. - Fixed issue with program shutdown behavior (e.g. on program close through Task Manager or setup.exe). - In "Flow Control = Manual" you can change RTS/DTR states now without opening the COM port. A "Flow Control = Manual" project now always start with RTS=low and DTR = low - DL.SetChannelSettings now allow changing baud rates and other serial parameters on-the-fly, i.e. without closing the communication channel first. - Fixed v2.0.1 bug: Communication Filter not correctly maintained after a project was loaded via DL.OpenProject Docklight / Docklight Scripting V2.0.1 (08/2012) New features and functions: - Support for EZ-Tap Pro and Versa-Tap from (see also - New setting for COM communication channels: Baud Rate "None" = Don't set serial communication settings (baud rate, parity ...) (to avoid problems with virtual COM drivers / Embedded COM stacks that do not support this) - New OnReceive_GetDateTime() / OnReceive_GetMilliseconds() method - New DL.ConvertSequenceData() for processing float and integer encoded values - New DL.SetContentsFilter() to change Communication Filter settings while channel is open - New Function Character '^' for bitwise comparisons - New Receive Sequence comment macros (%_L, %_T, %_C, %_A, %_H, %_D, %_B) - New method DL.GetHandshakeSignals() - New method DL.GetEnvironmentVariable(), e.g. DL.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERNAME") Fixes and Improvements: - Improved Receive Sequence matching: no more restrictions cursor-based matching. All possible matches are considered. - Improved non-modal "Find Sequence..." dialog. Better matching, wildcards now allowed - New command line option '-i' for invisible background operation - Extended OnSend_GetData() / OnReceive_GetData() syntax for returning substrings - Fixed bug with StartLogging: "Internal error 1000 in module MdCommunication.printAndLogIntCommData" - Fixed ghost ".exe" when closing Docklight (using Alt + F4) while logging is active - Fixed crash in "Create Log file(s)" when providing an illegal base file path - Fixed bug in File->Import Sequence List..: Receive Action index was incorrectly set. - Docklight allows now manually editing a project file in a text editor, without having to maintaining the original sequence indexes. Docklight will re-index on project load - Digitally signed setup packages and executables (.exe, .dll) Docklight / Docklight Scripting V1.9.21 (05/2009) New features and functions: - Support for Docklight Monitoring Tap USB - Choose comm.channels TAP0 / TAP1 (e.g.) instead of COM4 / COM5 for best monitoring accuracy better than 10 milliseconds - Milliseconds timestamp resolution and improved overall timing accuracy (menu Tools-->Options, "Date/Time Stamps") - Menu Tools --> Expert Options: Comm. Driver Mode = External / High Priority Process for higher accuracy when monitoring serial COM ports - Menu Tools --> Expert Options: Disable data forwarding in Monitoring Mode for higher data throughput when monitoring serial COM ports - Receive Sequence Function Character "!" to detect handshake signal changes - Menu Scripting --> Customize / External Editor: use a third party program editor with advanced editing features like syntax highlighting - Break Script menu/toolbar and DL.Break method: interrupts script execution and shows the current line in the editor - #include statement / include file support for scripts Fixes and Improvements: - Keyboard console state is now remembered when communication is stopped and started again. - Flow Control Support "Manual" now displays the RI (Ring Indicator) status, too - Multiple input / output files: Up to 4 FileInput objects and 4 FileOutput objects can be used simultaneously FileInput, FileInput2, FileInput3, FileInput4 FileOutput, FileOutput2, FileOutput3, FileOutput4 - Show recently used network addresses in the drop down list of the Project Settings dialog - DL.AddComment Chr(7) can be used to produce a beep sound - You can now call user-defined Subs or Functions from inside DL_OnSend() or DL_OnReceive() - CRCs with less than 7 bits now available. New predfined keyword "CRC-7" for 7 bit CRC used with MMC / smart card applications - Improved performance when opening / starting large scripts - Fixed bug: Flow control setting "RS485 Transceiver Control" would activate XON/XOFF, too - Fixed bug: DL.LoadProgramOptions "" now displays the file open dialog correctly - Fixed bug: Keyboard console in V1.8.10 introduces new timestamp after each character - Fixed bug: Keyboard console steals focus from other applications. - Fixed bug: Run-time error 91 could occur when Docklight is closed with logging still running - Fixed problem: Docklight goes to 100% CPU load with certain (virtual) COM port drivers. Docklight / Docklight Scripting V1.8.10 (03/2008) New features and functions: - HTML log file format can be customized. - New DL.GetChannelStatus() method to determine the communication channel status (closed, open, waiting for TCP connection, or error). - New DL.PlaybackLogFile() method to replay a recorded communication. - New DL.SaveProgramOptions() / DL.LoadProgramOptions() methods to save and load Docklight user options (display settings, ...) Fixes and Improvements: - DL.OnSend_Peek() / DL.OnReceive_Peek(): optional parameter to return the value in Docklight's ASC, HEX, Decimal or Binary representation - DL.SetChannelSettings(): Additional "dontTest" argument to suppress the open/close attempts for testing purposes. - Improved multiple screen support. - Sequence editor recognizes HEX, Decimal or Binary data in various formats (e.g "5A A5 0F", "5A-A5-0F", "5A/A5/F" or "5AA50F") - Sequence Editor mode (ASCII / HEX / Decimal ...) always follows the selected Communications Window Mode. - Improved sequence editor behavior when deleting a single HEX character. - Keyboard Console allows transmitting data by pasting from clipboard (up to 1034 characters). - new menu Help->Contact E-Mail Support allows sending relevant user setttings, to faciliate customer support. - Baud rates down to 1 (one) can be selected now (Note: Make sure your COM port device can handle such low baud rates properly.) - Fixed compatibility problem with Keyspan USA-19H USB adapter - Fixed bug: FileInput.OpenFile "" now uses file open dialog correctly - Fixed bug: Docklight Scripting now sets working directory correctly when started from command line. Docklight / Docklight Scripting V1.7.37 (06/2007) Fixes and Improvements: - For ASCII log files, the ASCII character code 26 is now replaced by 127. ASCII code 26 serves as a end-of-file mark for text files and should be avoided in text files. - Improved behavior when CR only or LF only is used for end-of-line: The line break is now inserted always before a comm.direction change, a new date/time stamp or a comment. - Improved behavior when a TCP client is immediately rejected: 2 seconds idle time before retry. - Fixed bug: Class definitions with private member variables caused syntax error. - Fixed bug: Docklight V1.7 now stores COM > 16 correctly Docklight / Docklight Scripting V1.7.33 (04/2007) New features and functions: - Networking: Docklight Scripting can act as TCP client, TCP server or UDP peer - new FileInput / FileOutput objects for easy and straightforward file I/O - new DL.CalcChecksum() method for calculating CRCs of any type - new DL.SetChannelSettings() / DL.GetChannelSettings() methods for changing the communication port and settings (baud rate, ...) while running a script. - new DL.Quit() command to stop script execution - new DL.GetDocklightTimeStamp() method to return a Docklight-style time stamp Fixes and Improvements: - COM1 to COM256 can be selected. - Project Settings dialog shows available COM ports in dropdown list. - Timing acurracy in monitoring mode improved. - Improved transmit and receive buffering, less COM buffer overflows on high-speed connections. - Monitoring mode additionally transmits the received data on the opposite communication port (data forwarding). - Communications display now buffers up to 128.000 characters. - Log file buffers are now flushed after 1 seconds of inactivity. - "RS485 Transceiver Control" now uses Windows RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE mode with improved timing (Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista only) - Parity Error Character: "(ignore)" for reading characters with wrong parity bit - The "Edit Send/Receive Sequence" dialogs show the current cursor position and support cursor keys (Page Up/Down, Cursor Up/Down, Home/End). - Minimum time for "Send Sequence periodically" now 0.01 sec (before: 0.1 sec) - Additional operations on sequence lists: Import from a project file, swap receive and send sequence lists. - Improved behavior for large sequence lists (> 100 sequences). - Fixed rare crash in Sequence Editor after copying & pasting a sequence using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. - DL.UploadFile() supports raw binary data tranfer mode ("R"). - DL.UploadFile(), DL.StartLogging(), DL.OpenProject() show a file dialog if an empty file path argument is passed. - DL.StartLogging() closes a previously opened log file automatically, instead of returning an error. - DL.AddComment with additional formatting options. - DL.ResetReceiveCounter now additionally resets the Receive Sequence detection algorithm, allowing easier resynch in complex protocols. - Additional "!" function character arguments for temporarily changing the parity settings within one Send Sequence. - Receive Sequence supports "&" Delay function character to detect pauses. - DL.StartLogging uses current script directory by default (same behavior as DL.OpenProject or DL.UploadFile). Docklight V1.6.23 / Docklight Scripting V1.6.23 (01/2007) Fixes and Improvements: - HTML help instead of Winhelp to prepare Docklight for Windows Vista - Window size correctly remembered after closing Docklight, even when maximized. - Font sizes < 10 now allowed (with additional warning) - Control characters except CR/LF can be completely suppressed in ASCII display 10:16 02.04.2007- Baud rates up to 9.999.999 Baud can be entered (NOTE: This does not mean Docklight can really process any kind of data at that speed.) - Fixed bug: A "CR only" produces an additional line break in HEX, Decimal and Binary display - Fixed bug: The keyboard console tool always sets the RTS line to high when typing characters - Fixed bug: The DCD line status is not displayed - Fixed bug in Docklight Scripting: UploadFile() does not send data if the script contains a DL_OnSend() procedure - Fixed bug in Docklight Scripting: RS485 Tranceiver Control does not reset RTS while a script is executed - Fixed bug in Docklight Scripting: BREAK state introduces additional spaces in HEX, Decimal and Binary display Docklight V1.6.8 / Docklight Scripting V1.6.8 (04/2005) Fixes and Improvements: - Flow control setting "RS485 Transceiver Control" is now correctly applied for the Keyboard Console tool. - F12 key brings up the notepad window, even if minimized Docklight V1.6.7 / Docklight Scripting V1.6.7 (03/2005) New features and functions: - "Communication Filter" to hide the original serial data of one or both communication channels - Notepad (F12 key) for project documentation - "Drag and Drop" support for project files and scripts - Docklight Scripting: new method "UploadFile" for file transfer - Docklight Scripting: new special function characters in Send or Receive Sequences (set/reset handshake signals, add delay between characters, send or detect a "break" state) Fixes and Improvements: - Keyboard Shortcuts for ASCII code > 126 - DEL key for Send/Receive Sequence lists - Docklight Scripting: Increased maximum script size (510KB instead of 64KB) - Inreased Docklight send/receive queue size to allow character-by-character processing using DL_OnReceive() - Extended documentation and sample scripts to demonstrate Docklight Scripting's data analysis and manipulation capabilities. - Fixed bug: Docklight crashes when a USB-to-RS232 device is removed while communication is running. - Fixed problem: When using Option "Flow Control: RS485 transceiver control", the RTS line is reset too early, especially when the standard 16 byte fifo transmit buffer of the UART is enabled. - Fixed bug: Missing characters in ASCII window / Formatted Text Output mode, when characters are received one-by-one and a single is used for end-of-line Docklight Scripting V1.5.2 (09/2004) New features and functions: - Extended syntax for the DL.SendSequence command to allow hex, decimal or binary Send Sequence parameters or sending custom data sequences. - DL_OnSend() function to support automatic checksum calculations - DL_OnReceive() function to support automatic evaluation of the received data, including analysing the received wildcard data Fixes: - Fixed bug: The DL.OpenProject command did not close the communication Docklight V1.4.14 / Docklight Scripting V1.4.14 (06/2004) Fixes: - Fixed bug: Missing line breaks on Windows 98 - Fixed bug: "Clear Communication Window" does not delete the entire contents of all four commmunications window representations (ASCII/HEX/Decimal/Binary) Docklight V1.4.12 / Docklight Scripting V1.4.12 (05/2004) New features and functions: - New Docklight edition "Scripting" with built-in script editor for automated testing. Available as an upgrade for Docklight standard users. Fixes & Improvements: - Non-standard baud rates can be used: Type any integer number between 110 and 999999 in the corresponding dialog box. If the chosen rate is actually applied, depends on the serial UART you are using. Non-standard baud rates may not work correctly when "Flow Control" options are used. - New Mode "Flow Control: Hardware Handshaking - RTS/CTS (Single Byte Mode): A sequence is placed byte-by-byte into the transmit buffer and CTS is checked before each new character. - New mode "Flow Control: RTS high while sending". This is to support RS485 converters and related applications where the transceiver requires the PCs RTS signal to enable/disable the transmission. - Improved communication processing and timing accuracy, which makes the "TweakComm" utility provided to some users obsolete. - ASCII Communication Window: Uniform behavior for different end-of-line standards: CR only, CR+LF, LF+CR V1.3.38 (01/2004) Fixes: - Fixed bug: receive sequence detection ignores incoming sequence, if immediately before the sequence a few characters have already been considered as a part of this sequence. See for details. - Fixed bug: edit sequence dialog crashes when marking a sequence, then moving to the empty sequence at the end of the list (Index ">" button) and pasting into the empty sequence. - Fixed bug: crash when trying to paste a very large document (> 32K) from clipboard. V1.3 (11/2003) New features and functions: - Powerful clipboard support within the sequence lists and the sequence editor: cut, copy & paste entire sequences or parts of it. Copy & paste sequence data from external applications (MS Word, Notepad). - Wildcard support for send sequences, receive sequences and find function - New receive sequence actions: insert time stamp, stop communication - New time stamp options: pause detection, e.g. for RS485 monitoring. - Keyboard console: keyboard input is directly sent to the COM port. - New Project settings: optional flow control support, manual RTS/DTR control, hardware handshaking, software handshaking (XON/XOFF). Fixes & Improvements: - Fixed bug when printing on HP Laserjet 5M - Improved sequence list management (reordering, keyboard support) - Improved find function (ignores date/time stamps and additional comments in HEX, decimal and binary mode) V1.2 (02/2003) New features and functions: - Improved performance, especially when monitoring transmissions with a high amount of data - Time stamps with 1/100s precision - New display options to further increase processing speed - New snapshot function to catch a very rare sequence within the protocol data plus the preceding and trailing communication - New demo project and additional documentation for getting started Fixes: - Now works on any Windows language edition, especially Asian editions or others using DBCS (double byte character set) - Fixed bug when using sequence names which include a comma (",") V1.1 (09/2002) New features and functions: - Creating log files in HTML format - Communication settings are now stored as project data - Improved parity error handling - Disabling the communication window while logging possible (e.g. while monitoring high-speed communication) - Revised and streamlined user interface Fixes: - 4800 Baud now available in the communication settings dialog V1.0 (04/2002) First release